Gas Ampzilla II vs Bedini

Anybody hear both ? Which one is better sound ? And why ?
I`m curious about your answer ! Many many thanks for your comment !
I should have mentioned that my speakers were Infinity 2.5s, RSIIbs and Ess AMT Heils...thus very fast "zingy" tweeters/midrange which when the ampzilla was played loud on maybe not the best Recordings...maybe this was my spitty sound. Mr. Jim B would say his amp was showing their deficiencies ;) Also, the lack of depth on my Bedini 25/25 was very sounded out of phase??? We tried it with several dipole speakers (Acoustat/Martin Login CLS/Magnaplaner).....never with conventional drivers in an enclosure?? To me the updated GAS / Ampzilla sound is very similar to the newer BAT designs.... but at a much lower price ;)

O... I am sure you will think the 25/25 couldn't drive the above speakers...but at normal "low" listening levels it's sound was very apparent...basically a warm, liquid non fatiging seductive tube ? sound.
Which Bedini?? Small class A or a bigger one? I use to own a Bedini 25/25 and Ampzilla II. The little bedini had a VERY smooth, liquid, seductive sound. Some bad recordings actually were not hard to listen to with the bedini. The only caveat I had with the bedini, it seemed to have a shallow soundstage...i.e, not as deep as other amps. The midrange of the Ampzilla was very accurate and sounds to me like todays very expensive amps. Saxophone, vocal, on. The Ampzilla has deeper bass than the bedini...but the bedini sounded more tube like in the bottom end....seductive again. The highs of the bedini were to die for...the ampzilla...little transitory (spitty) on the top end. Hope this helps...if you are looking at these amps I would try to find a Sumo is somewhere in between these two in sound. Larry
Thank you very much for Everyone ! Yes, in fact I think the bigger Bedinis like 100/100 or 803a or classic 100/100 classic 200/200 and the Gas line tha Ampzilla II and Thaedra preamp . Before I had the Bedini 25/25 1 meg and with my obelisk sounds wonderful ! But now I have a pair of Diapason and you guys and believe it or not they are driven by a Linn classic !! Very impressive sound from a compact cd player ! I know my Kora amps are even better it was another discovery , but from a small compact cd player I`m telling you wow !! So maybe the best choice is the Ampzilla with the Thaedra ? Specially the reference upgrade would be the best !
Unfortunately, there is no review by the new Q serial amps no one is interested spectators I`m just wondering why ? The price is cheap for brand new class A amps ! Who knows maybe later someone will be able to tell us !