Tube preamp for $2,000

I would be grateful for recommendations for a tube preamp linestage for about $2,000. It would be mated with a Prima Luna Prologue 5 amp. I often have to listen on low volume. Thus, precise volume control (and remote control) are important. Thanks so much for any advice.
Thanks so much. What about Conrad Johnson (ET-3 OR PV 15), Rogue Audio or Prima Luna Premium?
Another vote for Modwright. The like the almost new 9.0se that is available now is also a great piece; it is a great match IMHO for your tube amps because it is very open and non-tubey. Dont know your system to give better advice.
What would be your primary source?

The more information on your wants/needs will produce better responses.

Speakers, room size etc.
What would be your primary source?

The more information on your wants/needs will produce better responses.

Speakers, room size etc.
I see the monitors are very selective on the posts they delete. Many of the posts I make never make it to the light of Agon. Yet an accedental double post: no problem