Tube preamp for $2,000

I would be grateful for recommendations for a tube preamp linestage for about $2,000. It would be mated with a Prima Luna Prologue 5 amp. I often have to listen on low volume. Thus, precise volume control (and remote control) are important. Thanks so much for any advice.
Quicksilver makes real nice one. It uses 6922 tubes.It will fit the bill on what you are looking for.
The source is Sim Audio Moon 100 D Dac fed by Apple Airport Express. The speakers will be Von Schweikert VR-22. The room is 12 by 24. Music is primarily jazz and blues.

Thanks again.
Be wary of stepped volume controls if you value precise volume levels. I would recommend a pre-owned Manley Jumbo Shrimp for your setup.
Going to chime in for Modwright as well...I have the SWL 9.0 with the tube rectified power supply and wiring/caps upgrade. This is a very kind unit to all of my music...