Rogue's new Sphinx integrated. Anyone audition it?

Rogue Electronics has just released a new integrated amp called "the Sphinx" Retail is $1295. Remote is $100 extra(which is a stupid policy) It is a 100RMS, and has a few useful features like an MM phono stage and balance control, headphone jack. Some of Rogue's past, and still current pieces have received very good reviews. I would be interested to hear from memebers who have auditioned this new IA, and how it compares to other IA under $2000. Thanks
I have a demo unit here and am quite impressed with it. If you had the chance to hear the Hydra or Medusa amps from Rogue, the sonic similarities are evident.

I consider it a pretty amazing value at the price.

***Rogue Dealer Disclaimer***
Goldprintaudio, Thank you for your response

What aspects of the sound impressed you the most?? Is it high on the list in musicality and soundstaging?? I have been looking for a few months for a used Creek Destiny 1 or 2, but there been few to none on AG. I owned a Creek 5350SE classic a few years ago which is a great amp, but limited in power. If I had the money I would buy a used Jeff Rowland Concerto 1. There is one on AG, but is $3400. Thanks again!!
I would say that it's very musical. Nice detail, good bottom end. I'm still working on getting a full break-in of the demo, but so far, the soundstage is very nice also.

I really like the Hydra/Medusa amps, so I sort of figured this (and the upcoming Pharaoh) would both be great integrateds.
I too am interested in this integrated and am impressed with the reviews of the Hydra/Medusa enough to consider it.
Can't wait to hear more.

All the best,