Rogue's new Sphinx integrated. Anyone audition it?

Rogue Electronics has just released a new integrated amp called "the Sphinx" Retail is $1295. Remote is $100 extra(which is a stupid policy) It is a 100RMS, and has a few useful features like an MM phono stage and balance control, headphone jack. Some of Rogue's past, and still current pieces have received very good reviews. I would be interested to hear from memebers who have auditioned this new IA, and how it compares to other IA under $2000. Thanks
I would say that it's very musical. Nice detail, good bottom end. I'm still working on getting a full break-in of the demo, but so far, the soundstage is very nice also.

I really like the Hydra/Medusa amps, so I sort of figured this (and the upcoming Pharaoh) would both be great integrateds.
I too am interested in this integrated and am impressed with the reviews of the Hydra/Medusa enough to consider it.
Can't wait to hear more.

All the best,
Sunny , I have the new Sphinx now for a couple weeks . All I could say is how Rouge achieves this level of sound for the price is just amazing.Companies like Rega and Rouge got of there Asses good Market ideas and beat the Chinese garbage , There products are dissapearing from the Audio market in this country.Sphinx is clear and very powerfull a lot of dept in the music will drive just about any speaker. I upgrade the tubes to the Mullards from England its just gets better.The headphones sound is also excellent , haven"t tried the phono.You can bi amp also , "but" just alone very warm and Musical and accurate.I heard this unit at the show, 5 minutes later I ran yes ran to the ATM machine bought the unit on the spot .Ofcourse I had to go threw a dealer ,But Rouge customer service is 1st class too Had the unit in two days.I just can turn it off . The remote is made like a gun quality .I moving up there line to there next in line intergrate it has Ballanced imputs.Mind is up for sale .Don"t even think twice about buy it put your money into the speakers
Passet02 I will keep a look out for your ad for the Rogue Sphinx, should you decide to sell it. My only reservation is the remote which should have included a mute button, and not just volume up and down, should be part of the retail price instead of clipping buyers for another $100.

If you get a chance to try out the phono stage, let me know. I like to hear your comments. Rogue has been noted for very good phono stages in past components Thanks for commenting on this thread.