Can You Get 1,000 WPC Out Of Regular Wall Socket?

I see the new Emotiva (100 lbs) and Boulder (450 lbs!!) 1,000 WPC monoblocs require a dedicated 20 amp circuit per monobloc.

I recently read where someone had his Krell 750mcx monobocs changed from 110 to 220 because he said they sounded better.

Well, the D-sonic digital amp weighs 20 pounds and is rated at 1500 WPC. Can an amp pull 1500 WPC from a regular household wall socket?
Kijanki delivers! Thank you sir!

I also recall adiogoner chadeffect driving large Apogees with great success using BEl Canto ref1000 or ref1000m. 1000m is better built for the job. That tells me that these amps are up to most any job. I know they are in my application with large OHM 5 series 3 and Dynaudio Contour 1.3mkII, both of which are known to thrive (to different degrees somewhat perhaps given the size difference) on lots of power, current and bandwidth. I have yet to see tehm even come close to "breaking a sweat". They always run cool and seem to have the ultimate bandwidth for home audio.

That is a very good omen for Class D and Infinity. Better Icepower implementations like Kijanki's Rowlands or my BCs are probably a safe bet, though somewhat pricey as Class D goes. Wyred might be another at lower price point. D-Sonics are too new to know for sure I would say at this point but may have potential to push the CLass D value proposition even further.

GIven the inherent potential benefits for my application, I went for broke (with my budget) with the BC ref1000m amps and do not regret it. They still sound as darn near perfection as pretty much anything I have heard over the years. Rowland and Spectron were two others I considered when in "go for broke" mode. BTW, I strongly considered the large Pass amps as well but really had no desire in the end to go with something as big, heavy and power consuming as those, though I am certain they woudl have sounded fantastic, and I love the looks as well.
Thanks, Kijanki. Excellent response, as usual.

So it sounds like there are grounds for cautious optimism.

One point to note, in relation to AC current requirements: Although the subject line of the thread refers to 1000WPC, the amplifier in question is a monoblock rated at 1500W.

Best regards,
-- Al
BEst case scenario for the D-Sonics might be similar to what I observe with my mere 500w/ch rated BCs, ie it sucks the power from the line when you turn it on without issue then is powered up and ready to go with relative little strain on the external power line from there.
BTW, in EE or signal processing,terminology as I understand it (as opposed to digital computing), my references to "bandwidth" above would probably be more accurately termed "dynamic headroom".
Bel Canto Ref 1000M is not rated below 2 ohm impedances. And they do better with higher impedances, 4 or above, for the least distortion. The online Stereophile review with John Atkinson's follow up tests will show the specs and test results. This cannot be extrapolated to other Class D designs, of course. They are fabulous amps though with the right speakers.