Best preamp 2k or under, new or used

So, here's what I got...

Nht classic 4, McCormack dna1, McCormack rld1, jkdac32.

The speakers, amp, and dac, were items, that once placed in my system, I was 'done!'. I knew I found what I wanted out of each, and love all three.

Preamps, however, have been a problem. Here's what I've owned...

Parasound p3
Ps audio 7.0
Ps audio pca2
Rowland consonance
Wyred4sound stp-se
Classe cap151 (used a pre in the interim when preamps change)
McCormack rld1

The McCormack rld and classe 151 preamp sections come closest to the sound I want, which is less forceful, more effortless to my ears, fairly transparent, but both suffer from a slightly hard treble, and round under damped bass that has weight, but lacks extension. The wyred, parasound, and Pca2 sounded thin in my system. The Rowland I had high hopes for, and was probably the most disappointing, with a sound that sounded restricted on top and bottom. The ps audio 7.0, actually wasn't bad. Lacks transparency, but makes music. Problem is, with volume set to 2, it was too loud for late night listening.

So, here's the question. New or used, tube or solid state, does anyone know a good preamp in the 2k or under range that sounds open yet full, with smooth treble and good extended bass?

The only feature I want is remote control (I am not lazy, I just don't like to leave the spot I'm listening to music from).

Any suggestions supplied with some minimal input would be greatly appreciated.
Audio Research LS-10. Incredible black background. They are incredibly rare. Grab it if you ever see one. They normally go for around $2k used.
"03-19-13: Aprica88
Look for a used BAT preamp...."

It would be hard to go wrong there; tube or solid state. Not only does BAT make some great sounding, the build quality is as good as anything out there.
I have a SimAudio Moon P-5 that I purchased for under $2,000 (a good deal!). It sounds great to me, but I haven't had a broad range of experience with pre-amps.

I'm curious what folks say about the Benchmark DAC-1 -- I know some people use it as a preamp. I'm considering whether it would be a good choice for a buddy of mine who doesn't have a lot of cash to sling around.

Is the DAC-1 authentically high-end? I've heard conflicting opinions.