Bandwidth Limitations Of Class D Amps??

Audiogon member Kijanki said :
Some people argue that class D, as good as it is for the money, cannot really compete with best traditional SS amp. I can see that, especially with still limited bandwidth...
What are the bandwidth limitations of class D amps, and is it audible?
"After listening to them and also measuring them..."

Hi George, which are the class D amps that you have listened to and measured?

Thanks, G.
They all have the same characteristics with their mandatory switching filters on their outputs. And the ones that have smp power supplies have even another problem to deal with, regarding noise.
I'm not going to point the finger at any brands as that would be against forum policies. And I have been warned a couple of years back for it.
All you have to do is listen to them against good linear amps on a revealing system. Then look at any graph/tests done with power output vs thd in the higher audio frequencies and see how it rises very quickly vs lower frequencies, look if you can get it current output in the upper frequencies vs the lower frequencies. Then also if you get get them the phase shift from 10khz to 20khz. And then for good measure the noise figures in the upper frequencies vs lower.

" Class D " and the virtues of, a guru roundtable discussion setup by Absolute Sounds

Cheers George
Uhrn, George.... I apologize, but I develop stomach cramps whenever attempting to cope with the kafkian use of dangling pronouns... So, wouldn't you mind disambiguating a bit, and churn out some honest to Gaia makes and models, so to alleviate my psycho-somatic angsts?

May I also suggest you rest for a spell your cherished passion for ancient historiography of class D lore -- admittedly of the most guruesque kind: leave your oscillators and spectrum analyzers at home, go out in the field, and treat yourself to some listening of brand new class D amps!

You might find the experience, uhrn... well.... "Veritas'bly" uplifting *grins!*
Obviously there is a vested interset in a Class D amp and some are not open to what the best amp makers are saying.
The only ones that have bought out models of class D along side of their flagship linears amps are the ones who want to make money out of them. (It's called keeping the shareholders happy)because they are very cheap to produce compared to great linear designs.
It's too early yet to consider them in the hi end, like I have said I will be the first one to change over to them when the future technology for the switching frequency becomes much higher than it is at present, then they should be comparable or even beat a good linear designs.

Cheers George