Can a Pass Labs XA160.5 Drive a Set Of Thiel CS7.2

I have a pass Labs X600 which is being used to drive a set of Thiel CS7.2's. I'm considering upgrading my amp to either a Pass Labs X600.5 or a Pass Labs XA160.5. Everyone seem to love the XA160.5's. However, I'm concerned that the XA1605.5's won't have enough current to drive the big Thiels. I've had Threshold T400's and Pass Labs X350 paired with the Thiels in the past and I was unsatisfied with the dynamics.
I was surprised about the power and control of the XA100.5 which I own for 2 years. I know many amps of more than 300 watts p/channel who does not have this drive. So I guess the 160.5 will have more than enough drive. X600.5 could be a nive match as well. I am thinking about to buy these this year as well.
I've been listening to Thiel speakers of every level since 1994. The two things I've learned is that you MUST stick with the highest quality gear up front and that they always improve with more power. Anything less than 400 wpc is silly for the 7.2's if you want them to sound like the world-class speakers that they are. Room size is irrelevant. They eat watts for breakfast.
Jebsmith73, The Thiels dont allow for biamping.
Thresholdman, I tried both the 600 and 350.5 amps with my CS7.2s. I thought the .5 series was the better sounding amp, but didnt control the speakers like the 600 monos did. I would think the 600.5s would be the best of both worlds and they would be my choice if I was picking Pass Labs amps for them.
Good Luck!