Can a Pass Labs XA160.5 Drive a Set Of Thiel CS7.2

I have a pass Labs X600 which is being used to drive a set of Thiel CS7.2's. I'm considering upgrading my amp to either a Pass Labs X600.5 or a Pass Labs XA160.5. Everyone seem to love the XA160.5's. However, I'm concerned that the XA1605.5's won't have enough current to drive the big Thiels. I've had Threshold T400's and Pass Labs X350 paired with the Thiels in the past and I was unsatisfied with the dynamics.
We will keep open ears and open eyes for a mini or regular review on the new amp. Congats on the purchase no matter what.
Does anyone know what the XA160's actually put out at full Class A/B power?

I believe there's 6db of headroom in AB, so that means 640 watts at 8ohm
I take that back. there's 6db for the xa30.5, but measurements of the xa100.5 were less than 200w total

so I'm not sure what the xa160.5 can do

did you receive the Pass amps?
if so, how is the listening experience?
I got the amps a few weeks ago but I have not had the time until recently to listen to them. I'm satisfied with the amps. They are more detailed, accurate, and have more control of the low frequencies than the X600. They seem to be able to create more separation between instruments.