Is Tom Evans Audio Design out of business?

Anyone know about the status of this company? I shipped him a Groove phone preamp for repair and upgrade last August (from the USA to the UK). I did this through a USA Tom Evans dealer. I never heard directly from Tom Evans but the dealer would occasionally give me vague updates. In mid-February, the dealer said Evans told him my unit would be shipped "next week." But now the Tom Evans Audio Design e-mail bounces back and his phone has a 24/7 busy signal. The dealer, a guy named Darrin O'Neill of Audio Limits in Colorado, now says he knows nothing and thinks Evans may be out of business. I have contacted other Tom Evans dealers and no one can tell me anything helpful. Fortunately I was never charged and have not sent any payments, although I offered to several times. The whole situation seems very strange to me. I only post this because I have a phono preamp that is unaccounted for and not much recourse. Any info or suggestions would be appreciated.
In response to audio blazer,
I too had to wait a year plus for my mastergroove which was paid in full on my own initiative. it was very frustrating dealing with tom evans the man as I tend to call him every other month on when to expect the mastergroove.
He always have an excuse for the delay. Anyway I was warned by dealers of his equiptments that a long wait for his mastergroove is to be expected.
I finally got mine a year and month after payment and all I can say is it is worth the wait. Amazing amazing phono stage, absolutely no regrets.
Thank you tom, finally.
Post removed 
I worked with him back in 1990. The guys untrustworthy and rips off other peoples work. Non of these comments surprise me. He is a con-man.

Has anyone over that side of the pond heard the new Mk2 phono amps from Tom Evans Audio ?

The specs are truly world class, even on the modestly priced Mk2 Groove A, it's signal to noise ratio ( noise and distortion ) is an amazing -114 db @ 68 db of gain !

I am told that further up the range you go the lower the distortion and noise, 50% per model. I just read this recent review (below), from what Jason Kennedy (the editor) said about the way it performs it looks like it's the real deal and he gave it 'best buy' award.
as for Tom being untrustworty he has always helped and if you require an upgrade he will help with that too ,