Jeff Rowland 2 or Classe 25 for Avalon Eclipse

Hi all,

Sorry for my bad English, I'm wondering to buy a pow amp for my Avalon Eclipse. Recently I see Jeff Rowland model 2 & Classe 25 in Audiogon,

Could anyone give me the which one is match for my speaker? Or other amps match with? My budget is arrount $2k-$2,5k

Thank you all in advance
Uspac, I checked the Rowland Model 2 manual: there is no indication that the amplifier can be readily bridged to mono.... No, there is no switch.

Instead, the manual of Model 5 explains clearly how to switch the M5 amp to mono, as I have posted in detail a few days ago in this thread.

Guidocorona, I owned the Model 2 and a close friend owned the Model 5. We did extensive comparing between the two amplifiers.
Thank you Rrog, have you exercised M2 and M5 in the same system? And what did the two systems consist of?

Back to my post, even I have just puchased Classe CA-2200 for my Avalon Eclipse, but still want to know if it was a good choice or not? (The amp is in shipping progress)

Anyone can advise me? Btw show me the name of best speaker cable under 1k for them,

Thanks all,
USpac, for reasonably priced wire products, I have enjoyed very much the Furutech Evolution 2 series. See the review that I have written for Positive Feedback: