Pass X600 Will it heat my room too much ??

I am considering moving from Levinson 436 monoblocks to Pass X600 monoblocks. My only concern is how much they will heat my dedicated 14'x 21' room. I have heard that they would cause me to stop a movie half way thru or I would have to put in a dedicated ac unit to supplement the main ac unit.
Help me out here ladies and gentlemen !!
Thanks for responding if you owm these!!
Wow after reading this I may have to rethink my desire for the 100.5's and perhaps go with the 60.5's. I really haven't thought much about the heat or the increase in my electric bill but I would not keep them on 24/7 but would leave them in stand-by when not listening.
I own an XA30.5 and never noticed a heat build up even when I used it in one of my smaller 10' x 14' rooms.
I know this may sound crazy!, I love the massive heat my Krell 700cx offers,pure class A!,, the electric bill is always very fair, not high at all!,, The thing is,, to me,, why in the world would eanybody buy an exspensive amp and then complain about the electric bill and heat?, I am dumb founded by that!, If you can afford the amp, the electric bill is nothing!,, I like the heat because it gives me a since of having a rocket engine for an amp,LOL!,, very gratifying,makes me feel I spent money on an amp worth paying for!,, cheers!

I think that we sometimes forget that we are answering these posts while looking in our own mirror.

In my initial response, I said "It probably depends on how hot of a room you can take before feeling uncomfortable.".

I am 6'2" and unfortunately weigh 300 lbs. I'm warm at work when the temperature is 70 degrees, while others are in their offices with their space heaters running.

So when I get hot and am sweating in my 10' x 12.5' room, it's isn't an enjoyable experience for me. I have no problem concerning the electric bill, but I personally can't see pretending to be enjoying myself knowing that I have a great amp if I'm miserable sitting there listening.
