Pass X600 Will it heat my room too much ??

I am considering moving from Levinson 436 monoblocks to Pass X600 monoblocks. My only concern is how much they will heat my dedicated 14'x 21' room. I have heard that they would cause me to stop a movie half way thru or I would have to put in a dedicated ac unit to supplement the main ac unit.
Help me out here ladies and gentlemen !!
Thanks for responding if you owm these!!

I think that we sometimes forget that we are answering these posts while looking in our own mirror.

In my initial response, I said "It probably depends on how hot of a room you can take before feeling uncomfortable.".

I am 6'2" and unfortunately weigh 300 lbs. I'm warm at work when the temperature is 70 degrees, while others are in their offices with their space heaters running.

So when I get hot and am sweating in my 10' x 12.5' room, it's isn't an enjoyable experience for me. I have no problem concerning the electric bill, but I personally can't see pretending to be enjoying myself knowing that I have a great amp if I'm miserable sitting there listening.

The power draw at idles is posted on Pass Labs web site in the specification section
@ Krell_man,, Your situation is very understandable!, My room is bigger than yours!, however, I live in Mobile,Al The heat index here is a whoping 110 degrees in the summer!, I still enjoy the heat of my amp!, This is spring, I live in a three bedroom two full bath house, My amp litterally heats the whole house at times!, you are a different person than me!,, I still love the heat my amp does!,, Crazy I am!,,, cheers!