Power Cables you like with Merrill Veritas Amps

Several of us Veritas owners are wondering what other Veritas owners have found to their liking over the included TWL power cables.
Please describe what improvement you got with the cables you like and the cost so we can compare the cost benefit.

As I mentioned in another post, I preferred the sound of the Lessloss Signature cables to the stock TWL.
But then trying the stock TWL on my DAC was better than the Lessloss!
So I swapped them and won both ways so I am quite happy!

On the Veritas amp it is not a fair comparison because the Lessloss is a heavier guage compared to the stock TWL. I would like to compare the TWL 7 to the Lessloss Sig - that would be a fair comparison. And wasnt it the 7 that was the power cord used during the NC400 tour last year?
Guys- I bought a pair of TWL 7+ per HiFial review of the VERITAS, big mistake. Bass bloated & midrange was thick/muddy. I called Merrill & he set me straight. He tried all the TWL pc's & the 10+ was the best. The 7+ has much more resistance & better for class A/AB amps.
Ptheo, your are TOTALLY MISTAKEN. I never, ever recommended the TWL 7+ for the Veritas. Please DO NOT put words in my mouth. I, as some, have wondered what power cords OTHER then the TWL PC that come with the Veritas would improve upon the amps great sound.
Sorry HiFial, I was mistaken. It must have been another review I read. I meant no disrespect.