Boulder has full page ad in Du-pont registry

They have an ad in the current Du-pont registry. It's on page 3 and there is a Lamborghini on the front cover of the magazine. It's strange to me that they would advertise in Du-pont registry. Outside of the high-end world I don't believe anyone knows who they are. I can see if Mc Intosh advertises in there. They are a household name like Cadillac or Harley Davidson.

I guess business is slow an they are on a fishing expedition. I guess they figure they might catch a few whales. I personally think if they want to gamble they should go to Las Vegas.

Most car guys could care less about high-end audio. (Sure there are a few that are into it but not many) The music car guys love is what comes out of their exhaust. I know 2 guys that own Ferrari's and they never put the stereo on in their car. They love the symphony of the Ferrari motor. To them that is music.

I wish Boulder good luck with their ad but I don't think that is the place for them to advertise.
MANY car guys are also into high-end audio; boys and their toys, to be sure. There's a common appreciation for superb performance and industrial design at work here. I'm a longtime member of both of these camps.

Though I'm not a SS/Boulder guy...
I don't think it is a stretch at all as high performance in all things such as cars, motorcycles, personnel aircraft, watches, audio and clothing to name a few is a characteristic the ubber wealthy wants and obviously can afford.

Maybe they just got some stimulus money and had to spend it on something wasteful.
"Outside of the high-end world I don't believe anyone knows who they are”

That sounds more like a reason to place the ad, rather than not.

"Most car guys could care less about high-end audio.”

I don’t understand why there would be more indifference among car guys than any other guys.

"I know 2 guys that own Ferrari's and they never put the stereo on in their car.”

Do they drive their Ferraris into their living rooms and listen to them at home?

Taters - can’t you just be happy that they’re not advertising bacon?