What about 845 tubes on Wilson Sophia 3...?

Does anybody tried 845 tubes on wilson sophias 3 series..I am curious on comments for Cary 845 ae for my wilson sophia's 3..
Cary 845 is 50W, but to what load? What is delivered power to 4Ohms? 3 Ohms? Please check an amplifier frequency/load detailed map. Usually manufacturer will shara one with you and you will see what level of distortion and power you're dealing with before experimenting. Distortion of tubes(may reach upto 10%THD for difficult loads) is what makes sound wonderful, but far away from real recording material, if that is your goal.
Mcintech's comment is based on actual listening experience rather than
speculation and has legitimate value. All 845 amps aren't created equal so
some will be more successful than others. It appears the Nagra VPA 845
amps would be a very good choice. I understand your interest, at CES this
year I heard the Absolare Passion 845 PSET 50 watt amplifier completely
outperform the SS MSB amplifier driving the magnificent Rockport Altair
speakers in a very large conference room set up. It was quite a startling
I assume that I also think not all 845 are equal, thats matter of design and equipment structure that defines the sound criteria...but I really dont understand what the distortion makes good sound could anybody clear this subject...if we audiophiles like the distortion (as some describe as to be) how you gonna define the good sound as a bunch of distortion...man I am getting confused here..maybe this is gonna take another threat subject..very interesting and confusing matter.
Nagra was the PP 845 I had in mind....Melody also makes them. Im not a fan of Cary 805s and frankly, they measure terrible for SET.
I don't know about Melody's P-SETs, but I can say the Melody M845 SET which I own is quite nice. If the bigger ones retain the magic at higher power, they are definitely worthy of consideration.