NAD 2140 or Nakamichi 420, or else?

I have one of each of these, with NAD pre, and NAK PA5 pre to go with them, and will be putting a system back into use after a looong time without. Speakers were ruined so we're shopping for replacements, and leaning towards Para MM, Focal Chorus 706, similar others. Very few of the other speaker brands I see mentioned here in the other forum I've ever heard of, let alone heard, and no dealers even remotely close to me sell them anyway.
My worry is I'll get speakers that sound great with the electronics in the store, get them home and my NAD/NAK pieces don't do them justice. How good or lacking are either of those two amp choices? Willing to locate another of which ever ends up the better choice to run in bridge mode, not a problem. But, will I really need to step up to different electronics to get where my ears want to be? Is the general consensus here that both these amps sound good, or will be severely outclassed by the speakers?
Paragraph breaks, PLEASE! I could not read your post because it looks like one big run-on sentence...

Why don't you wait till you get your new speakers and see how you like the sound? Take one step at a time!
Please type in complete sentences. "Paragraphs breaks, PLEASE" is a phrase, not a sentence. Doing so makes it impossible to decipher the intent of the post.
Rw and Llanger,
I can't believe you two birdbrains could not read that post! Did you add any information to his question?
I guess it makes you both feel great showing us how smart you are.
You should both get together and read each other WAR AND PEACE all day long!