Lamm LL2.1 Deluxe "DC Offset"?

Hi there,

Is there anybody who has a deep experiences with high fluctuated "DC offset" in Lamm LL2.1 Deluxe PreAmp?.

My Lamm LL2.1 Deluxe Preamp shows a highly fluctuated DC reading that reaching +-200mV even more. Last night measurement showed a flucuated reading and reached +-300mV.

A three weeks continuous observation shows that the preamp DC fluctuation seems higly affected by the swing/fluctuation of AC Volatage,day time and night time. I can see that even as small as 0.3V AC voltage abrupt swing will directly generate significant DC offset in the LL2.1.

Your sharing experience and advices are higly appreciated.
This story does not appear to be happening in real time.

The dealer gets a lower measurement than you and Lamm states a lower measurement has been seen on one occasion which was diagnosed as leaking caps, which they offered to replace. You suggested the dealer's lower measurement was a function of AC conditioning.

What did you do to validate the accuracy of your meter? Have you taken your meter to the dealer to let them compare its reading with theirs in their context?

Have you taken your amplifier to the dealer to let them try it with another LL2.1 or different model Lamm preamp?

Have you observed the woofer problem replicated with any other amplifier?

Thus far it sounds as though Lamm is responsive and open in their correspondence and following their protocol. It is not unusual for them to supply repair parts to local technicians for installation.

Lamm sent a report of the build tests for your specific unit. Did you share those with the dealer? Does the dealer's test show a deviation from those results?

If your dealer has a Lamm qualified technician in their employ who can do the work and the unit is under warranty, what reason do they give for declining the repair?

Why is a third-party technician involved?
I think in such cases, action from those who pocketed the money for the new gear should speak louder than words. Why can't LAMM arrange delivery through his dealer of another pre to Gr-gin, and take back the "unsatisfactory" unit from the customer for some serious indepth testing, repair and outright replacement if need be?

I just cannot understand the behaviour and attitudes of manufacturers in such cases. What they have to lose through negative publicity needs to be carefully weighed in the decision of leaving the customer sob his heart out or regret his purchase ....

Remember there have been reputable audio manufacturers driven out of business through their own inability or unwillingness to support customers in difficult times as these...

Why should the onus always be on the customer? Why can't the manufacturer or his appointed dealer make a commercial gesture and at the same time create a goodwill... What will this cost to the manufacturer?

After this ongoing saga of unresolved issue one thing is certain, no LAMM product will ever enter my audio room..... that's it.

If you learn my previous posts, you may see that the measurement also taken in the dealer's show room. This is to prove and get both side agreements on the method to be taken as well as to get both sides admittance on the result that there is a real problem with the unit. Although they are using power conditioner in the system, the measurement clearly showed a highly fluctuated reading, and the dealer admit it, no arguments.

All measurements was taken using 3 different devices in several different occasions. We are using 2 Sanwa CD800a and 1 Fluke 87V multimeters, those are a well-recognized brands that being used by professionals and audio hobbyist. The dealer itself using local made multimeter (Heles) in comparison to mine.

The dealer does not have another Lamm preamp and power in their stock. So we cannot make any comparison. This is actually what I asked to the dealer.

The suspect is my speakers woofer? or may be my other equipment?. I have 3 other preamps (SFL-1 Signature/Modified & upgraded, Mark Levinson 380 and Graaf, and did comparison test by inserting each of them to the system, one in a time. The result was? Only the Lamm that generates highly fluctuating DC Offset and causing woofer movements. Others showed a very low and steady DC reading, under 2mV DC. I did also connecting my amp with other speakers and in other occasion connecting my speaker to other system, both system work very well.

Yes, Lamm sent that build test report and I immediately sent it to dealer. Unfortunately the dealer did not show their own test result, but I did the measurement and sent the result to Lamm. However, I have to wait more than a week before they finally respond to my email, that might be caused by my attack of suspecting their lack of QC when the unit leaving the manufacturer.

Why using third-party technician? He is actually a dealer's technician and Lamm very well trusted on him, according to their email. But he is not a full-timer or employee which dedicatedly works for the dealer. He is independent and takes work order from others. I only contact with them under dealer consent.

Whart & Charles1dad

Yes, I have already done most of your advices.

The dealer is the only channel I can communicate with. Lamm reject me to directly contact them. They never respond to my email anymore. If I send the unit to Lamm directly, I am afraid they will ignore it. Sending the unit without their consent will even get me into worse situation. In the other hand, I have to agree with Whart about the attitude of dealer, pretending as if my problem.

I did visit the dealer and talk about arrangement to ship the unit to Lamm (yes the unit still under warranty), that also include the shipping cost arrangement, but it seems not workable for them. I also insist dealer many many times to communicate with Lamm and explain our finding, not only my finding. I don’t know how their communication being conducted.


I agree with you.
This is not only a technical matters of the unit. Not also a commercial matters. This is more about mentality.
Gr- It sounds like the bottleneck is the dealer- I agree that you should not ship the unit to Lamm without a return authorization and some idea of turnaround time. It seems odd to me that the dealer wouldn't handle this, or at least arrange it for you.
Can you tell me what city/country you are in? (I don't necessarily want you to name the dealer here, but perhaps I can help). You can send me a PM or email if you like.

I dont thing the probelm is in the dealer alone. The tone of manufacturer's email responses was unbelievable. I can say that, both of them, in the way they responding to my case is similar. They are very defensive and tried to shift the issue to somebody else fault.

Iam not realy sure, but I guess something strange on the way they build and arrange the business which refrain the dealer to conduct intensive and frank communication with the manufacturer.

I live in Jakarta, Indonesia.