What happened to Jfox

There was once an active contributor to the Audiogon Forums who went by the name Jfox. He was a very knowledgeable audiophile who had a very fine system: Sound Lab A-1 speakers, Aesthetix Io phono, Calisto pre,and Cat amps. He was a fine writer who contributed a lot. Since around 2005, he seems to have dropped out of sight. Does anyone remember him and know what happened? I would appreciate hearing. Thanks, Tom
Or for that matter, if you want to go back a really long time, whatever happened to Cornfedboy (Kelly)?

Ditto what Mitch said....people walk into and out of your life. Some decide that there is simply nothing more to be said or done in this hobby and find other interests, much like moving on to another job in another city. That is life.

Like I said in my first post, I just hope that John is healthy and happy.
Jafox is alive and well. He moved to southern California for a extended job opportunity. He comes back to Minneapolis a couple times a year, and he is hoping to come back for good soon.

His system is all boxed up and remains in Minneapolis while he has built a fine mid-level system to enjoy while he is gone.

I believe he stays in touch with the Audiogon forums and with the listings. He saw a pre-amp that he made me buy, so I know he stays active on the gone.

He is a good audio friend and I miss him and his input. Seeing him only a couple times a year is way to little. I'm sure he'll return when he has the time and has things to contribute.

There are a number of the original members that have fallen by the way side. I assume they stay active reading, but just grew tired of arguing the same points over and over.

Let's all chime in and maybe Jafox will join in too.

John, I believe Kelly did some legal work for Audiogon back in the day and felt it was a conflict to join in the forums too. I miss him very much.
Jade is correct. I remember an old thread where Cornfed explained his departure. I also remember Jmcgrogan saying goodbye and explaining why. Good to have you back!!
Sorry if you all have tried this but what about sending Tvad and JaFox private messages through the newer system? Maybe they might reply there. Maybe they got disgruntled with the upgrade and/or moderation and haven't been back due to that. If they see that things are getting a bit better they'll possibly start interacting more.