What happened to Jfox

There was once an active contributor to the Audiogon Forums who went by the name Jfox. He was a very knowledgeable audiophile who had a very fine system: Sound Lab A-1 speakers, Aesthetix Io phono, Calisto pre,and Cat amps. He was a fine writer who contributed a lot. Since around 2005, he seems to have dropped out of sight. Does anyone remember him and know what happened? I would appreciate hearing. Thanks, Tom
San Clemente?! I live there too and have also lived in Minnesota (Bloomington). Hard to beat the weather and life style here though nothing ever compares to home. With real estate prices the way they are here I have given up my dream of ever having a decent sized music room so I have to be satisfied with my small setup in the spare bedroom. I am actually quite happy with what I have achieved so far once I recalibrated my expectations.
There are a lot of us that miss Audiofeil's irreverent, witty perspectives, a breath of fresh air on many forums in the past - it's fun to occasionally dispense with PC, as he does. Yet he followed the ethic of not pushing his own wares impeccably- something many other dealers/distributors could heed. He quit because he was judged to be at fault for a transaction that resulted in damage, claimed 3 weeks later, and left on principle.
Welcome back, Jafox!

Agree with my friend Denis' (Springbok10) statements about Bill (AudioFeil) Feil. Bill's a fantastic, warm-hearted, generous, funny, supremely intelligent / wise person. Obviously, he had little tolerance for fools or a lot of the BS that goes on in these threads with some of the manufacturers, importers / distributors, or dealers. His position, if you intend to advertise here on this site, instead of polluting the discussion forums, man up and pay for an actual ad.
Agree Springbok and Trelja regarding Audiofeil, I did a lot of business with Bill and can say he was one of the most professional and pleasurable people to deal with.