What happened to Jfox

There was once an active contributor to the Audiogon Forums who went by the name Jfox. He was a very knowledgeable audiophile who had a very fine system: Sound Lab A-1 speakers, Aesthetix Io phono, Calisto pre,and Cat amps. He was a fine writer who contributed a lot. Since around 2005, he seems to have dropped out of sight. Does anyone remember him and know what happened? I would appreciate hearing. Thanks, Tom
Yes and no. Reading Audiogon forums last night for 15 minutes pretty much reinforced my decision to leave the party.

Depressing. I hope you change your mind.
Jafox has moved back to Minnesota after a few years in southern California. Last I talked to him he was trying to transfer his engineering knowledge from So. Cal. to it's new owner in Minneapolis, and now to Ireland, where America has lost another company to a tax sheltering country.

On the other Jafox front, he is dealing with some health issues which are taking a lot of his time and energy. He was last talking about bring two dedicated circuits to his living room so he can set up those massive amps and speakers.

I miss the old days at Audiogon, I look back on the early years of A'gon as our combined learning platform. So many of us learned from each other in an environment that allowed out of the box thinking. I think of where power cords have come in the past 15 years, a lot of this was from each of us sharing our experiences and trying things. The negative members existed, but it seems the majority won out and just ignored the trouble makes.

It seems that we did our system building together, and stopped experimenting and began listening. Today the trouble makers own the sight, and I have little energy for the same old fights. I read the forums every day, but rarely contribute. We did have fun back then...

As for the greed of the commercial side of this site, they can have it. I left a year ago and never looked back.
Hi Tvad,
I bought some Wright 2a3 mono amps that I still use along with another set of tube amps. Good to see you post.
Nice to hear that all is well, Grant. And good to hear from other voices from past. Interesting that Albertporter fondly remembers communicating w himself back when Audiogon was young. Either Texas has legalized recreational pot, or Albert apparently sampled too much at RMAF? To all the old (and young) farts who don't know it, jadem6 has also been through more than his share of health challenges over the 15 or 20 years that this site has been up, but his strength and good spirit (I almost said heart...) kept him going and now it seems as he is truly on the mend w his new heart.

I, too, lurk more than post but then my technical knowledge is limited and my appetite for chocolate vs. vanilla debates has waned. Maybe age does bring wisdom, or at least less likelihood to waste our precious time on unresolvable arguments. I've got no quarrel with the commercial side of the site (other than that the transaction system is way too complicated). I only use it to acquire gear for trial. My system is pretty stable these days and luckily walking swamps pays pretty good if you're willing to put in 60 hour weeks when required. The moderation of the forums (fora) does seem a bit heavy-handed but not having seen it from the owner's/moderator's side I can't say for sure.
Tvad, good to hear from you again, always appreciated your posts & perspective.