Bryston BP-26 or Parasound Halo JC 2 preamp??

I'm running Dynaudio Sapphire spkrs via Bryston 7BST mono blocs direct from Wadia S7i cdp. I know there's been much discussion re: direct or thru preamp. I'm still a bit on the fence but if I go the preamp route I'd like some input on the Bryston BP26 vs the Halo JC2 in my configuration (or other experiences with the Bryston 7bst owner's and these preamps.
tnx for your input..2bz.
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I've been using Wadia myself for a long time. I like an active preamp, but if you can't get a really good one, you probably won't like it better than using just the Wadia. The 2 preamps you list are very good, but I would urge you to try them first. If I had to guess, I would say that you would not like either preamp over your Wadia directly. For me, an Aesthetix Calypiso is what it takes in an active preamp to want to keep it in my system.
I've owned both the JC2 and the BP26. Coincidentally I was using dynaudio speakers and a bryston 4bsst amp at the time. They are both superb, but the bryston is more transparent. However, some people might prefer the smoother sound of the JC2. I've heard the sapphires can be a little forward sounding so the JC2 might be the way to go. If it was me, I'd go with the bryston, for the added detail and clarity. BTW, I highly commend at least trying the preamps over direct CDP connection. I think you'll end up preferring the sound. Good luck
Interesting...Yes, Bryston is known for detail and presence. I have the BP6P, the BP26s cousin as well as the 4BSST. This presence and detail is a little bit too much for many (or a few) audiophiles, so they shy away. I personally like it. So, basically it's all a matter of taste...