Bryston BP-26 or Parasound Halo JC 2 preamp??

I'm running Dynaudio Sapphire spkrs via Bryston 7BST mono blocs direct from Wadia S7i cdp. I know there's been much discussion re: direct or thru preamp. I'm still a bit on the fence but if I go the preamp route I'd like some input on the Bryston BP26 vs the Halo JC2 in my configuration (or other experiences with the Bryston 7bst owner's and these preamps.
tnx for your input..2bz.
Sounds like if I like detail the BP-26 might be a better choice (for me) over the JC2 especially having Bryston 7BST amps.
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It's been a while now. I wound up with the BP26 (figured it would be a better match with my 7Bst's) I'm extreeeeemly happy with it. I'm no longer "On the fence" regarding CD direct or through a pre-amp. I favor going through the Pre-amp over CD direct.I feel that I didn't give anything up from direct only gained the advantages of whatever a properly matched Pre-amp gives you. The difference to is if your driving at 100 mph and even though you know you'll never go faster than that it's full throttle with the CD direct whereas with the Pre-amp I could go to 150 mph(Same speed but something just feels different).