Aleph 3 - Its 2013, are they still awesome ?

I have a chance to purchase an admittedly overpriced Aleph 3 ($1400).
Have not heard it yet, but judging by its reviews am very excited.
But I do understand the Amp is atleast 14 years old technology.

So would this amp still hold on its own with newer Amps from this era in the same price range <4K.
Thanks Syntax.

Do you have any recommendations for such speakers under 5K new or used ?
I got really good results with ProAc. I think DeVore would be worth looking into, as well. Even though the amp is only 30 watts, its a very clean 30 watts. You won't have any problems finding a speaker to go with it.
Hello Essrand,

I listened to some Aleph Designs with Horn speakers and it was always a good combination. The recommendation from Stereo5 - ZU Audio - is interesting, too. Another idea is to check Reference 3A, those speakers are outstanding from Performance, or Verity Audio, but I have no experience with their 2. hand pricing. You can also look what Atma-Sphere used for their demos, probably you can get some new ideas there. The Alephs are quite robust with speakers but they are never made for low impedance speaker designs.
Thanks Zd and Syntax.

I did not think of proac or reference 3A, but now I will.

Any ideas on Pre-amps for the aleph. Am planning to audition the following next week. Was wondering if from experience you guys have any opinions.

I can get a BAT Vk-50SE used for around 2500$ or an Aleph P used for 1900$.

Or a CJ ET3 new $2500 or the Triode Corporation TRX-1 $3000.

Or do you guys know anything else that you absolutely loved with your Alephs.
