Aleph 3 - Its 2013, are they still awesome ?

I have a chance to purchase an admittedly overpriced Aleph 3 ($1400).
Have not heard it yet, but judging by its reviews am very excited.
But I do understand the Amp is atleast 14 years old technology.

So would this amp still hold on its own with newer Amps from this era in the same price range <4K.
I had the Aleph 2 mono blocks and loved them. I did prefer them to the Aleph 3 and Aleph 5. I do write a little about these amps in my review of the XA100.5. For the current used price, if you can find a pair of Aleph 2s, they are a great value.
I am with Stringreen here. I've tried the Aleph 0, 2, 3, and 5 based on the glowing reviews but never really warmed up to any one of them. They sounded pretty good with the right speakers but nowhere near as good as some of the reviews claimed.

As for the the preamps, the Aleph P and Ono (and X-ono) were downright awful. Perhaps one of the most overrated SS preamps of all time.
Hi PeterAyer, Eljif

Have you guys tried the Aleph L ?
Heard good things about it here:

He seems dismissive of Alephs but for some reason loved the Aleph L.

Been listening to Aleph 3 with my Benchmark DAC HDR as pre-amp.

So far a big upgrade from Jolida 801 Amp/Jolida 100A CD player combo.

Am not yet sure, how much of it is the Aleph, but am loving hearing some real bass that was completely missing in my prev setup.

I have not heard the Aleph L. I did have a later model Aleph P with remote and then upgraded that to the X-1. My current XP-20 seems to combine and improve upon the basic character of these two pre amps: the rich, natural timbre and tonal balance of the Aleph P with the low noise floor and detail of the X-1. One caveat: I did change amps and speakers once during these pre amp upgrades, so I did not compare the three preamps in the exact same system, but I did compare the P to the X-1 in the same system and then the X-1 to the XP in the same system.

I do like the compactness and simple design of the Aleph L.
Just a final comment.

Its been a few weeks. I LOVE this amp. I finally got a taste of what hi-fi means for that much money.

Even my 89dB/4W humble Vienna Acoustics Haydn bookshelf speakers has such a new/great sound that I have temporarily shelved plans to buy a new speaker.

Am not even using a pre-amp, directly connecting it to a Benchmark HDR. Which I may replace with a Berkeley Audio Alpha Series 1, if things go well.

Thanks all for your feedback and help. Am still looking for speakers and pre-amps, but for now its enjoying/rediscovering my music.