Ayon - where is it REALLY manufactured ?

I used to own an Orion integrated. Great amp, great sound.

Something keeps bothering me though - I stumbled on a european e-zine hifi site where they were interviewing someone from Ayon in Austria.

He mentioned that the amps originated from China (under Ayon specs) where they received some final assembly and tweaking in Austria.

This might explain why it doesnt say ''Made in Austria'' on the back of the amps, just ''Austria''.

So, are we being led to beleive that this stuff is completely made in Europe when in fact it is not?

Everytime I tried to get a straight answer from Ayon USA on this topic - I came up empty....
Nearly all the components are made in China, assembly is in China, final packaging is in Austria in a Chinese box. However, they are an Austrian Company.

Who's better nowadays than the Chinese for manufacture?
We have trained one of the world's ultimate cultures to be the best manufactures in the world..and so now they are.

Let me ask you this; anyone in the USA. Do you enjoy your mag-lev trains?? No, you do not but the Chinese do!

The Best sounding integrated amplifier I have ever heard was made by Xindak and the construction made Krell look pedestrian.

All this said if you want truly Euro don't buy Ayon !

PS: Apple bring our jobs back home!!
Who cares where it was made if built to the same standards. The only difference is the hands that built them ... parts are imported for assembly.

In most cases this is beneficial to the end consumers with lower prices. Companies naturally navigate to regions that are most business friendly.
Just read an article that stated most "American" car, meaning most American made parts and American labor is the Toyota Avalon. Go figure.