Ayon - where is it REALLY manufactured ?

I used to own an Orion integrated. Great amp, great sound.

Something keeps bothering me though - I stumbled on a european e-zine hifi site where they were interviewing someone from Ayon in Austria.

He mentioned that the amps originated from China (under Ayon specs) where they received some final assembly and tweaking in Austria.

This might explain why it doesnt say ''Made in Austria'' on the back of the amps, just ''Austria''.

So, are we being led to beleive that this stuff is completely made in Europe when in fact it is not?

Everytime I tried to get a straight answer from Ayon USA on this topic - I came up empty....
BTW: Manufacturers are seeking new labor as China's labor prices are rising (as well as severe pollution).
Read another article about the expected future increase in cancer. Maybe there IS no such thing as a free lunch.
Rja, I believe you. If I'm not mistaken, only the engines come from Japan, along with some critical parts that they wouldn't trust to anyone else.

Also, one major manufacturer has brought back assembly stateside for its appliance line (I forget the brand) due to QC problems, lead time, assembly to store floor time, etc., and not to forget, the lower costs of labor here now that it's been decimated.

China is so polluted that it's almost a death sentence for anyone residing in a major city. As much as they love the higher standard of living, they are way ahead of us now that they've realized the human costs of being highly prosperous in a toxic environment so they've got a leg up on us when it comes to solar production. I've heard that our oil rigs are now abandoning diesel generators for solar power and I wouldn't be surprised if they're using Chinese made solar panels, or at least German ones. We could create SO many jobs if we just got our act together.

All the best,
Some care a great deal about a counties ability to regulate manufacturing such as working conditions, material recycling, waste management, and product safety.

Of course today its almost impossible to be a consumer without inadvertently purchasing goods from countries with little or no such regulation. Still, many do the best they can under the circumstances
@ Quad-man, Hi, what is XindaK?, never heard of this, is it a complete line of audio componets or digital only, whats the whole scoop on this brand?, country of orgin, the works, cheers.
Bill_K, you are right. The press has made the point that Hegel is manufactured in Norway. And, we should take folks at their word.

But as Sonicbeauty mentions, the rear of their components doesn't say "Made in Norway", it simply lists where the company locates its headquarters.

How would you react if the claim was false, if Hegel was manufactured in China by another high-end audio outfit?