Ayon - where is it REALLY manufactured ?

I used to own an Orion integrated. Great amp, great sound.

Something keeps bothering me though - I stumbled on a european e-zine hifi site where they were interviewing someone from Ayon in Austria.

He mentioned that the amps originated from China (under Ayon specs) where they received some final assembly and tweaking in Austria.

This might explain why it doesnt say ''Made in Austria'' on the back of the amps, just ''Austria''.

So, are we being led to beleive that this stuff is completely made in Europe when in fact it is not?

Everytime I tried to get a straight answer from Ayon USA on this topic - I came up empty....
Trelja, with all due respect I don't feel the need to continue this dialogue. Thanks.
About Xindak, I did own an integrated a few years ago. It was ok but not great. Sounded like most other chinese integrateds out there, not very detailed. It is of course nowhere near as refined as an Ayon product as the low price would suggest. I got rid of the Xindak after 6 months as I just could not make the sound work for me, no matter how hard I tried. Furthermore, and I wish I had a polite way to say this - looks count for me - and Xindac designs are pretty ugly in my own very subjective opinion. Sorry to call a cat a cat.

Just to set the record straight about Ayon, they do make great gear - just not impressed with their lack of info on product origin and company info.
Hi sonicbeauty, This is Keith, I was currious to know what Ayon equipment you own?, Happy Listening.