Anybody heard the Krell Foundation?

As I have posted before in this forum, I am looking for a very good processor that is both good for home theater and music. I know this is a difficult dilemma but the other day heard of the new Krell Foundation. Trying to find out the skinny.
The Foundation does not play 5.1 through the HDMI cable. The president of Krell, Bill McKiegan, told me that in December 2013 there would be a firmware upgrade to play 5.1 but it never happened. Love the processor but regret buying it. Other units for a fraction of the price or twice the price have 5.1 analog inputs. Can't understand how Krell thought it was a good idea to leave them off a $6500 piece of equipment.
The Krell Foundation does play 5.1/multichannel via the HDMI cable. I am not sure what Marcgerber means but, I suspect, he is meant to refer to the lack of a multichannel analog input.
Please tell me how to play multi-channel SACD and DVD-Audio discs on the Foundation through the HDMI cable. Thanks.
I am a Foundation owner. The foundation will not yet decode DSD so if you want SACD you have to change your source (SACD Player or Bluray player) to output PCM instead of bitstream over HDMI. I play SACDs from my Oppo BDP-95 in this method. In this case Oppo is converting to PCM and sending it over the HDMI instead of the 7.1 output. Also in the case of the OPPO, if you change the HDMI output to AUTO instead of PCM or Bitstream, it does correctly switch from bitstream to PCM automatically when playing DTS HD MA versus SACD. I personally hope that they soon add DSD decoding to the Foundation so that I can compare OPPO decoding versus Foundation decoding.