Goof High-Efficiency bookslef speakers


I just ordered Dennis Had (formerly of Cary Audio) single ended (807 tube) amplifier - 9 watts per channel.

Here, I am interested in intimate small scale music e.g. female vocals and I need to match this amplifier with appropriate speakers. Sound can be "a touch" euphonic

I have no experience with high-efficiency speakers and I would appreciate good advice in that regard

I am looking for very accurate detailed reproduction of SE amp signal. Can err on warm side but not clinical! Bookshelf, Retail: $1k - $2k, its 2nd system

Thank you

Second on the de capos

Running them with a 4 wpc Decware mini torii and plenty loud in a 12 x 22 open room
At $2500 the Sonist Concerto 2's aren't far from budget. 95 dB with a 8" woofer and Fountek ribbon.
3rd Reference 3A De Capo's; don't own them myself, but several friends do, and they are a great match with Dennis Had products. I own Cary and I almost bid on that amp.
Thanks to all for their kind advises. I bought a pair of new De Capo. Tash told tnat new design is even better then all older which received so many acolades.
