Goof High-Efficiency bookslef speakers


I just ordered Dennis Had (formerly of Cary Audio) single ended (807 tube) amplifier - 9 watts per channel.

Here, I am interested in intimate small scale music e.g. female vocals and I need to match this amplifier with appropriate speakers. Sound can be "a touch" euphonic

I have no experience with high-efficiency speakers and I would appreciate good advice in that regard

I am looking for very accurate detailed reproduction of SE amp signal. Can err on warm side but not clinical! Bookshelf, Retail: $1k - $2k, its 2nd system

Thank you

Thanks to all for their kind advises. I bought a pair of new De Capo. Tash told tnat new design is even better then all older which received so many acolades.

Simon, please let us know your thoughts on the De Capo's once you've settled in with them for awhile. Congratulations.