Meyer Sound

I have a cousin who works for Meyer Sound in Berkeley CA. She can get me a huge discount on any speaker I want. I would like to know if these are good audiophile speakers. I have heard that they are powered and would love to hear people weigh in on this detail pro or con for 2 channel listening.

I would be using the Meyers(not sure which model yet) with a 2A3 SET power amp and would need high efficiency speakers say in the 93-100db range.

Any ideas about Meyer Sound would be of great value.
Meyer makes a large array of professionally oriented products. Their studio line are powered monitors and would not work with you tube amp.
well, HD-1 monitor deserves attention, although can't be driven with any external amp. All you need is just a preamp and if you have tube balanced one, I believe you'll achieve a high quality performance but not cheap though
Just two nights ago, I heard the SF Jazz Collective at the new Miner Auditorium in SF, which has a Meyer system, and I could not believe how good it sounded (once the tech on the board dialed it in). Meyer systems consistently produce the best concert sound I've ever heard. Don't know about their in-home gear but I'd guess it sounds pretty great, too.