Magico S5 vs Tannoy Westminster Royal SE

Hello, I need some opinion about these 2 speakers. I plan to acquire one of them.
Anyone who owned or tried these speakers please share your experience.

I won't be looking for any other brand.

I will use VAC sigma 160i to drive the westminster
Hegel H30 Stereo to drive the Magico S5.

Thank you.

The Tannoy models with pepperpot/alnico drivers (from Kensington SE on up) are all more resolving than the tulip waveguides (the Churchill being the ONLY possible exception here), but they don't have anything close to a "hifi, edgy" character unless your upstream gear is as such. In fact, I find the alnico Prestige models to be both more resolving and more musical than the tulips -- well worth the extra cost. The aforementioned Churchill was a bit drier in the midrange compared to the slight sweetness of the Kensington/Yorkminster/Canterbury. Though, note that I only auditioned the Churchill once so my impressions on it are not as solid. From the tulip waveguide group I've heard: Turnberry, Genair 10 & 15, Dimension TD10 & 12, Definition DC10 & DC8, etc.

I also think that the Prestige models are more coherent sounding from top to bottom than the S5. The Tannoy bass is better integrated into the music, in my opinion.
04-01-13: Mulveling
I also think that the Prestige models are more coherent sounding from top to bottom than the S5. The Tannoy bass is better integrated into the music, in my opinion
Mulveling, I can see you are a big Tannoy fan, but I am perplexed by your answer as the S5's are perfectly phase and time coherent. May I ask if the S5's you auditioned were fully, or mostly run in, what accompanying components you heard them with & the approximate size of the room?
03-29-13: Bhobba
Magico is of the accuracy detail type and, to some like me, can come across as perhaps a bit brittle, dry and uninvolving, but due to the very low resonance fast, very uncolored, and articulate.
I am not sure which amps you heard those S5's with? however the S5's are best matched with warm, tube-like solid state amps and then they sound magical. I've heard the S5's with both Vitus and Dartzeel which both have excellent synergy. Anecodotally Hegel and Constellation also work well, though I haven't heard those combo's. In general, with warm, musical sounding amps like Dart, the S5's sound more relaxed, musical and flowing. You could also try cables like Jorma Prime which are very well balanced, natural sounding, harmonically rich & have a liquid flow which I think would compliment the S5's very well. Siltech Royal Sig series also work well with Magico. As always, it is a matter of synergy.
Bhobba is absolutely right, the Magicos are brittle on many pieces, and he really is on the money with Rockports. Though I prefer the Tannoys for FAR less money than what I would consider a competitive Rockport, the Rockports are a very credible speaker that have a nice low distortion delivery.
The Westminsters, which I listen to for hours daily, are far more seamless and integrated top to bottom. The distortion is much lower. They are far easier to drive. The are absolutely superior on voices, which is the toughest test. They are more dynamic. They scale far better.