Magico S5 vs Tannoy Westminster Royal SE

Hello, I need some opinion about these 2 speakers. I plan to acquire one of them.
Anyone who owned or tried these speakers please share your experience.

I won't be looking for any other brand.

I will use VAC sigma 160i to drive the westminster
Hegel H30 Stereo to drive the Magico S5.

Thank you.

Charles, I disagree with your synopsis of my comments. I have no problem with comparison threads where there is SOME crossover, some area to argue one way or the other. But this thread is completely pointless. If posting in a void is your thing, break a leg, but i'm not retracting my comment.
Mel of course not, you're as welcome here as me or anyone else. What I was trying to get across is the point that there tends to be a certain degree of redundancy . There are topics that are popular and recurrent and thus generate the familiar repeated dialog and answers. If those are pointless threads then quite a few exist on audiogon or any hobby oriented forum. They just go with the territory and personally that doesn't bother me.
Charles, I mostly agree with your comments, however in this case it's as pointless as comparing a softball team to a baseball team. In both, you hit a ball but you're talking about two completely different games and teams. I don't doubt AG is chocker block full of such threads, but that doesn't mean they have any or much intrinsic value.
Hi Mel,
I understand your point about value and agree some threads are more informative and educational than others. I appreciate those but I come to this site primarily to have fun with fellow gon members who share the enjoyment of music and audio components.

Regarding this thread the OP did ask about and was obviously interested in these two very dissimilar speakers.