Magico S5 vs Tannoy Westminster Royal SE

Hello, I need some opinion about these 2 speakers. I plan to acquire one of them.
Anyone who owned or tried these speakers please share your experience.

I won't be looking for any other brand.

I will use VAC sigma 160i to drive the westminster
Hegel H30 Stereo to drive the Magico S5.

Thank you.

Thanks, peterayre!

Nice of you to apologize, but none is needed.

The Canterburys have tone to spare, so thinking it could be from the cabinet had me wondering. :)


>> Tannoy literature clearly states that the design goal is for a rigid, inert cabinet construction..

Well,it does not look like they have managed to achieve this goal...
"Well, it does not look like they have managed to achieve this goal..."

Usermanual, may I ask what is the basis for your statement?



Jim Smith
I'm still waiting for Kiddmann to explain his comment (on 10/22) about why he thinks Magico has "higher distortion".
Peterayer, Don't hold your breath.