Need Help finding Speakers Budget 20,000 US

Hi All

Firstly let me give my room Specification:

8 Meters by 8 Meters. Height of the room is 3.2 Meters.

Acoustic Panels everywhere around the room. Its pretty dead.


Clayton M300 Mono Blocks
Bob Carver Black Beauty

Purity Audio Ultra 2 Series
DAC (Need to get one)
CD Player Oppo 95 Modified.

Budget 20,000 US.

I don’t live in USA so difficult to try out some of the US brands.

I am interested in:

Salk Sound Scape 12
Tannoy Kingdom Royal
B&W 800 or 802 N
Evolution Acoustics not sure which model as the company never responds to emails nor does there dealers.
Daedalus Audio

Any other recommendation to go by?

I listen to Allot of Movie Sound Tracks, Classical Epic Music, Sometimes Pop Rock And hip hop. Down tempo, Chill out and Jazz.
Interesting thread!, Great Read!, No comment on eanything here mentioned other than the JBLs and TADs, my tast is their better to me than whats talked about here, @ the op, The JBL and TAD are worth looking into for the money you are willing to spend!, Good luck!, and formost, Happy Listening!

Here's my take on your quest in spending 20K.

1. Buy a pair of Sonus Faber - used but mint, for 5K or less.

2. Buy a few bottles of wine - the good stuff. All speakers sound GREAT after 3 glasses anyway - even a Bose Soundwave system.

3. Buy 2 round-trip plane tickets (for you and significant other) to a European destination - Paris sounds nice- and attend a live concert there plus a restaurant or two.

You should have enough money left to purchase music (downloads - vinyls - cd's whatever) or take in a few local concerts.

When all is done, you might even get used to the beautifull looks and sound (subjective of course) of those Italian speakers - if not you, your significant other will for sure.

All joking aside, I more or less followed this scenario (minus the Bose part) and dont regret a thing!
In the 15 years that I am in this business there is one big mistake what I see or maybe better say I hear often:

People buy expensive speakers and they do not have the quality in equipment and cables to get the best out of the speaker. In Always use % to explain it. There are enough people who get about 30% out of there speakers. That is why I often demonstrate different amps and cables to let people hear how big the difference is. Many shops are only interested in selling expensive speakers. They will not tell you that you do not have the quality to get at least 80% out of the speaker. Often they do not have the knowledge to give customers they right information.

In the past I met these kind of people more than these days. They had one thing in common. They werre not happy with the end results. I used other amps and cables to let them hear what the reason was.