Bookshelf or Tower

I am in the hunt for new noise makers.
I have budget of about 5K.

I love good 2 channel imaging and play a variety of music at low to medium volumes as wife hate loud music.

I currently own Paradigm Studio 20 v.5 but want something with a bigger sound.

I am considering: Paradigm S2's, BW 805d but then I think at those price levels I could get floorstanders but I don't see why the floorstanders cost so much more. So confused.

My set up is Bryton 4B SST amp, Bryston BP 20 preamp and a modwrighted Sony DVP9000ES.
What do you like and dislike about the speakers that you now have? You mention wanting a bigger sound but that can mean different things. Are you talking about something image size, or something similar?
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what got me on the speaker path is that I was all ready to spend 2k on a CD transport but then I came to the realization that it was more then I spent on my speakers, and if anything speakers would make the biggest difference to sound so now I am thinking I underspent on the very important speaker component of my system. I like the studio 20's very much but I am thinking that I can get even more sound by putting that 2k towards more expensive speakers. I will have these for 10 years min so I might as well get something good now.

The subwoofer arrangement is enticing, but that means another box to put somewhere and I just do not have the floor space to hide it.
What do you like and dislike about the current sound you have? What are you after? More bass might bother the wife more. I went from studio 10's, to 20's, to 60's, back to 20's, to vandersteen 2ce, to my current kef qx5's. if I could do it all over again, I would have stopped at the firdt pair of 20's, or the 60's and at that point, I would have spent me money in absorption panels, diffusors, bas traps, power cords, different interconnects, isolation footers for my equipment, (my lightspeed attenuator, which I did buy and love), etc.

My point is, in a room with that much reflectivity (hardwood, tile), you'll get more results treating your room first. When I started changing speakers like crazy, they all sounded unfulfilling because my room was so awful, and I didn't like my preamp.

The Paradigm studio series are actually really nice speakers and are really wrll built. Your' 20's sound great with a sub also. I've pulled those speakers apartand they are quality cabinents and drivers. Another thought is to spend $200-$300 paying someone who is qialified, to upgrade your crossovers. Think long and hard about ditching the digms because they are good speakers. Knock on the side of the cabinent and listen to how solid the cabinent is.

With all of this in mind, if you do upgrade look at a used pair of Tyler acoustics. I think you would be happy with the system II's for sale here. Take your time, think about some room treatments and take your time. Oh, did I say, take your time?

Ps, sorry about the spelling, I'm in a rush this morning. You can private message me also if you'd like to get some more input about your 20's :-)
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