Bookshelf or Tower

I am in the hunt for new noise makers.
I have budget of about 5K.

I love good 2 channel imaging and play a variety of music at low to medium volumes as wife hate loud music.

I currently own Paradigm Studio 20 v.5 but want something with a bigger sound.

I am considering: Paradigm S2's, BW 805d but then I think at those price levels I could get floorstanders but I don't see why the floorstanders cost so much more. So confused.

My set up is Bryton 4B SST amp, Bryston BP 20 preamp and a modwrighted Sony DVP9000ES.
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Bob Reynolds ;
I think so . I have a Velodyne CHT-10 subwoofer that I have only used with my pre-pro sub out for HT use . I am not sure of how to hook it up for 2 channel use . It does have a variable low pass crossover , internal crossover , 80 hz high-pass output/input and speaker level input/output . Does this make any sense to you ?
All things being equal (which they never are), I would go with a high efficiency floor stander. Consider one with a widebander for a midrange and minimum to no crossover and you'll find it come alive early on with the ability to flesh things out and do it all with great coherence.

I'm not even going to begin recommending a brand as I believe when it comes to speakers, you have to personally audition them. So take a good, hard look at all the high end dealers in your area or, if not too far a distance, take the time and make the trip to listen to one. For 5 grand, I would. If there is a speaker that tickles your fancy and not within a reasonable distance from you, ask the maker if there is anyone in your area that would let you audition it. That's how I bought my Legacy Classics many years ago. I've since moved on and tried a couple of speakers, hearing unheard, and regretted it. My last speaker was done the right way, by listening to it.

All the best,
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