Looking to get started. please help

Hi everyone. I am new here. I had a friend suggest I check this site out. I am really new to higher end audio and am looking for some help!

For years I have been listening to music on a crappy surround sound system and I feel it's time to move on.

I know I am at the VERY low end, but right now I would like to spend about $1500 on speakers and amp at the most to move on to something better. Over time, I'd invest more money, but that's my max at the moment.

My main sources for listening to music would be a record player, my iPod, computer and occasionally my TV. Because I am not really into movies or anything like that, I've definitely decided I don't need anything more than a 2-channel system.

I went to a local shop and this was what was recommended to me...

Receiver - Onkyo

Speakers - PSB

But, then someone told me to come to this site and ask for advice. I was also told that I really shouldn't get a receiver, but instead get an integrated amp.

I really need help! Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I did read the review. I'm really not able to tell the difference between the 316 and the 326. Is the 326 worth the extra cost?

Do you have a dac recommendation?
For the $1500 budget,

Mini Lore - $649

NAD C316 - $380

Schiit DAC - $449

Also, researching a few other DAC's under $500.

The turntable will work with its phono stage, and just add the NAD upgrade later.

there has never been a better time to get into Audio/HiFi.
A ton of great, used gear is on the market. Have Fun!
Consider looking at the Dared i 30 integrated with built in DAC. I believe it can be bought new for a reasonably low price, and will sound much better than the onkyo. As for speakers the wharfedale EVO (40's or 50's) are a good value. Quad 22L2's are nice, and a fav of mine the KEF 104/4's or reference 4's are great. Speakers, whatever brand you go with are probably best bought used. Don't forget that you'll need to buy some speaker cable too.

Good luck
Hi Roots

High-end audio is both very easy and very hard. The easy bit is you simply listen to gear - lots of gear - to know what you like. It really is that easy. The hard part is - for some reason - people don't want to do the easy bit. They come up with all sorts of reasons - remote location, no dealers, confused and need some help, become addicted to what magazines like Sterophile and Absolute Sound say thinking they will lead to audio nirvana, or throw up their hand entirely and become part of the blind tests show all competently designed gear sounds the same crowd.

Don't fall for it - make time to hear gear, if you don't have dealers near you use the Hi Fi forums to find fellow audiophiles and hear their systems, join an audiophile club. You will likely find like me that the large boys stuff you hear at dealers are often (not always - but often) no where near as good as stuff direct sold that you can only hear at fellow audiophiles places - for the money anyway. But no need to take my word for it - simply listen to gear and I believe that will quickly become clear.

As for a specific recommendation to seek out and listen to I suggest, in your price range, the Martin Logan Electromotion:
