Speaker suggestions??

As a relatively new listener too high and audio, I am having trouble deciding on a good speaker for my listening preferences

My new-ish setup:
I prefer to keep things simple.. So a very basic system
Amps: Simaudio M-400 (pair) via XLR
DAC: Wyred 4 sound dac2DSD (no preamp)
Media server: Mac mini
Speakers: Focal 726 chorus

Im not totally happy with the SoCal speakers in the trouble trains I prefer a softer trouble but I still like a full sound but no harsh overdone treble.
I generally listen from pop/ dance/ electronic to jazz, rock pretty much a little bit of everything alright like detailed smooth sound and generally listen at a moderate to high level in a 15x 12 room w vaulted ceilings.

one friend who is close can't say enough about ProAc the 28.
I want to stay under 6k
I am only able to demo the ProAc and a few other brands so your help would be very valuable to me!

Im fine with used speakers too.
I bought my focals when I had my beginner system with surround sound Denon AVR
You definitely want to look into speakers that are described as being musical . Some of the suggestions have been for those, such as Harbeth and ProAc. Focal are sometimes described as being analytical which is your trouble with the treble, I own them and found myself building a system to make them sound right. It worked- but mine were born oportunistically and a couple of notches up the Focal ladder. In effect, they were to good to throw out and start over well..... its a long story. You're smart to cut your losses and get what you want immediately or else I would be telling you to get this and that to make them sound good.
Good luck and no more trouble.
Before you decide give a listen to Kef R900 . I am using them in a similar size room with great results. They list at 5k but can be bought for less. They are a very good speaker for the $ I compared them to many 10k+ well touted brands and Kef won out. Also should well with your system. Best
Some others that might fit the situation: Krell Resolution 1, 2 or 3, Totem Mani 2, Tekton Pendragon, Dali Helicon and Revel F52 or Studios.
Great suggestions!
I'm glad many of you were able to see through the drunk-ish reading post!! (I made it on a cell phone with "voice to text")

SoCal= Focal
Trouble= Treble
Trains= range

I'm not finding how to edit my "creative" post so I'm sorry for that.

My local dealer does have the Harbeth/ Spendor/ PMC.. another has the Totem but not nearly broken in as the ProAc D28's were.

Hope you all had a GREAT 4th!! !!MURIKA!!