Avantgarde Duos: Omega or Mezzo?

Putting together a new system. Considering:

1- Emm Labs XDS1 V2
2- Audio Note Jinro integrated
3- Avantgarde Duo

Question is: Omega or Mezzo?

Above all, I have musicality and being "taken there".

Thank you!
Maril555: Nice system! Noticed you have subwoofers. Is this b/c the Duo Omega won't go low enough?
Subwoofers I have not because Duos not go low enough, I actually measured them go down to 18-20 Hz. It has more to do with the optimal placement, in doing that for approx. 2 years, I have realized, that a main speakers placement optimal for imaging is not always ( as in never) coincides with the optimal bass reproduction
That forced me to use an active crossover and cut off Avantgardes at 80 Hz , everything below that is handled by stereo JL subs.
An overall improvement has been immense. I have come to a conclusion , that this approach is probably the only correct one.
In your case, I don't think the smaller room could accommodate Mezzos
Yes what you state is actually quite obvious (placement for image vs bass) since these are two different wavelengths. If your room is big enough this is likely less of a problem. Interesting point, never thought of it.

I think I've decided for the mezzo... From what I read elsewhere I gather that the bass transition from the horns and the low volume playback are likely better. Do you have a view on these two points?

BTW... This is completely separate from a TV and such.

Maril555: BTW... Your observation simply means you must get Trios with basshorns. Then you can optimally position each... ;)