"this is the product Ohm puts out"

Have any of you guys/gals gotten a very poorly veneered pr. of Ohms? The veneer kinda looks like plastic with a residue left from wiping them off. That's the only way I know to describe it. Where the veneer comes together on the back of the speaker looks like a trainee or myself did this pair. I won't go into what the grills did to the veneer in transit I guess.
Looking at them again and I have to think these are a demo pair. You guys tell me the condition of your speakers when you got your Ohms.
Harley, sounds like they are new. Definitely call OHM and talk to John Strohbeen. He has a great reputation for customer satisfaction.
I messed up on a sentence on the last remarks. It should read; the left speaker is dead and the right one has no low end. Sorry for causing some confusion.
In my experience with their speakers, Ohm puts more emphasis
on design; aesthetics are not their forté.
One can check out the 40+ year OHM company history Here. It explains what happened to their third party dealer system in the 90s and why they went to direct sales earlier than most.

"Distribution disaster strikes. Tandy cannot profitably compete with Best Buy and Circuit City and closes the TNB division. Ohm is close to the classic position of “having all our eggs in one basket”.

Factory Direct Sales lowers prices and eliminates showrooms. With over 120,000 Ohm speaker owners in America acting as our showrooms, Ohm switches to a Factory Direct sales mode.

· Prices are slashed as the dealer margin is eliminated.

· A 120-Day Home Trial program is instituted to assure everyone is a happy Ohm owner.