Modwright Oppo 105

I received my Modwright Oppo 105 today. It sounds good, but is relatively lean - and not very extended - in the bass. The sound overall is missing a fullness and organic quality that I associate with tubes as well. I have been using an Exemplar modified Denon 3910 for years, and so far I prefer it. Naturally, I am quite surprised and disappointed so far. I will be patient and put more hours on it, of course. I am very familiar with "break-in." Dan burned it in for 72 hours or more, but I have only put another 5 hours or so on it so far.

Has anyone else had this reaction/experience? Maybe it is the Electro-Harmonix tubes, and I need to try something else? I am also wondering about Dan's use of silver wiring. Thanks for any thoughts you have.

The Oppo's are more on the lean side for starters and the Denon 3910's lean towards a warmer mid. I think the Oppo's are much more musical and revealing vs. 3910, 5910 Denon's which I own.

A couple of very good RCA Grey glass 6NS7's will warm up the mids but won't do too much for the bottom end. If you have a lean mid and not much low end snap and punch you may want to look at a polarity problem on the Oppo as well. Just a guess here but it can't hurt to have Dan look into this.
It might be a good idea to wait until you have logged about 100 hours on the Oppo before making any decisions about sound quality, which can vary considerably beforehand. I ran my modded Oppo 103 in on the XLO Test CD burn in track for a few days before listening to anything. noto bene - The Oppo responds very well to WA Quantum Chips - capacitor chips, fuse chips, semiconductor chips.
I will second Andy with VTS for tubes! He is not only a square shooter, but will spend TIME on the phone with you and give you several options.

Tube World has some great tubes, the real deal, and, yes pretty high prices, BUT you will get what is advertised with TW.
Dan`s response confirmed my suspicion that this was simply a faulty unit. I`ve heard this ModWright 105 for extended sessions and it is a marvelous sounding player.You`ll find out soon enough once your problem is corrected. You made an excellent choice.