Anyone tried fuses, power cord with Metrum Octave?

Now my Octave is fully broken in I'm ready to start tweaking some. An aftermarket power cord and a better fuse seem like the first places to start. Have you tried it? What has worked best for you?

FWIW, replacing the RCA input connector with a BNC is also on my list. Should I use Canare's?

The triode wire lab 10+ is a great power cord on the octave, brings out more tonal color, weight and beauty without sacrifing PRaT. I have an AMR fuse coming for my octave this week from Avatar Acoustics.... I'll report back on how that goes, but I expect a nice uptick.

Also, on the cheap side I liked herbies baby booties under my metrum.
I am using a Hifi Tuning Supreme fuse to good effect. I haven't tried anything else to compare but it was a definite step up from what the unit came with.

In my system, I found the Octave very responsive to all the power cords I tried, including Mac HC, Electraglide SOTU, Synergistic T2, Triode Wire 10+ and a homebrew all silver pc. All give a different flavor to the sound and are a worthwhile investment. My preference were either the SOTU or T2. I have not bothered with the BNC mod but some type of footer under the unit seems beneficial. My Octave rest on a granite slab sitting on BDR cones.
This weekend I got around to putting an AMR fuse in my Metrum Octave and I am very pleased by what it did for the presentation. It made it a little more resolved, yet sweeter with better depth and flow.

This little $20 tweak made it significantly more musically involving. Highly recommended.