Anyone tried fuses, power cord with Metrum Octave?

Now my Octave is fully broken in I'm ready to start tweaking some. An aftermarket power cord and a better fuse seem like the first places to start. Have you tried it? What has worked best for you?

FWIW, replacing the RCA input connector with a BNC is also on my list. Should I use Canare's?

This weekend I got around to putting an AMR fuse in my Metrum Octave and I am very pleased by what it did for the presentation. It made it a little more resolved, yet sweeter with better depth and flow.

This little $20 tweak made it significantly more musically involving. Highly recommended.
Thanks both for the input! I'm noting the Triode Wire 10+. Wasn't aware of it. Also noting the positive effect both mention from using vibration-control devices.

Gopher: why did you go for the AMR fuse vs. other options?

Thanks again!
Based on reading others feedback with the AMR fuse and the cost of the AMR was very reasonable. If you haven't tried it already, its worth every penny of the $20. Makes a sizeable improvement, indeed.

I noticed that Create audio sells a high end fuse for $10 which I may also take for a spin.