Best redbook cd-only player ?

I have a substantial collection of redbook cd's. I don't foresee adding SACD's, nor am I interested in servers or USB connectivity. But I do need to replace my 17-year-old two-box combo.

Is anyone else stuck in the past also (smile) who can suggest a high-resolution, musical cd-only player ? It's hard to justify paying thousands more for functionality I won't ever use.


John - The Audio Research Ref CD8 is very, very good for its price point. And now that the CD9 is out, used/demo CD8's should be available at a significant savings. And even though your budget is generous, you might want to give the new tubed Line Magnetic CDP a listen/try. Astonishingly good, and only $1500.
The Audio Research Reference CD9 is the most neutral and transparent player made today. It's advantages, however, can only be realized with other reference Audio Research components and the best wiring and isolation. I cannot afford such a system now, but I don't mind waiting and let the next best thing take it's place as it surely will. There are lots of amazingly good products on the market, but for true system synergy there can only be one that is the best. Audio Research is not the best for the money. It is, however, the standard by which every other manufacturer is measured, and that has been true since the inception of High Fidelity.
Ancient Audio makes three CDPs in different price ranges. I have the Lektor Prime that I like a lot.
"It's advantages, however, can only be realized with other reference Audio Research components and the best wiring and isolation."

Audio Research CD players have had built in isolation since the CD3 MKII. In fact, isolation was the MKII update.
Hi John,

first option:
Metronome Technologie T2A (used/demo) + CF DAC-040.

Second choice:
Burmester 069 (used/demo).

Best regards,