Best redbook cd-only player ?

I have a substantial collection of redbook cd's. I don't foresee adding SACD's, nor am I interested in servers or USB connectivity. But I do need to replace my 17-year-old two-box combo.

Is anyone else stuck in the past also (smile) who can suggest a high-resolution, musical cd-only player ? It's hard to justify paying thousands more for functionality I won't ever use.


"It's advantages, however, can only be realized with other reference Audio Research components and the best wiring and isolation."

Audio Research CD players have had built in isolation since the CD3 MKII. In fact, isolation was the MKII update.
Hi John,

first option:
Metronome Technologie T2A (used/demo) + CF DAC-040.

Second choice:
Burmester 069 (used/demo).

Best regards,
IMHO it's the EAR Acute III. Before you buy any player do yourself a favor and audition it.

Good luck
Suggesting one without knowing the rest of your system is only guessing and offering anectodal and heavily biased personal opnions.

Having said that, Google the reviews on the REGA ISIS VALVE cdp - a Goliath killer IMO.

It also has a USB input in the back for an external media player that now utilizes its DAC (it impressed me enough to convince me to actually buy one, but again ALL suggestions are biased)

Auditioning one personally is your only true litmus test.
If you are on a budget my suggestion would be an Emotiva ERC-2 CDP. It is built like a tank and Emotiva has a great warranty as well as customer service. They also have a 30 day trial period. Another combination I liked that I used in a headphone set-up was a Cambridge Audio CD30-S feeding a Cambridge Audio DACMagic with a McCormack Wonderlink Digital Coax cable.