Best redbook cd-only player ?

I have a substantial collection of redbook cd's. I don't foresee adding SACD's, nor am I interested in servers or USB connectivity. But I do need to replace my 17-year-old two-box combo.

Is anyone else stuck in the past also (smile) who can suggest a high-resolution, musical cd-only player ? It's hard to justify paying thousands more for functionality I won't ever use.


See if you can find a Reimyo 777 in mint condition.I have had one since it came out.It is an outstanding player for red book.
If you can find a Zanden 4-box set, do listen to it. It is a remarkable player and second hand the price has come down dramatically and into your range.
AMR CD-77.1 is a must-hear at half your budget max. And you get a USB DAC to boot. Superb sound, bombproof build.