Any LampizatOr Gen 4 feedback?

I haven't seen much out there regarding the latest generation of LampizatOr DACs. I owned a gen 3/level 3 which I enjoyed but never fully loved, ultimately selling it.

I decided to give it another shot and have a Level 4/Gen 4 being built now that is expected to ship next week... can anyone comment on what I should expect?
L5 in the stall with DSD!

No more dac demos for me. Finished! Done!! Over and out!!!

Gopher - If you didn't like the level 3, what made you buy the level 4? Other than a demo, but I thought you had to order them unheard. In any case, I'm sure the level 5 will be outstanding.
I just broke in my level 4 gen4 and it is truly outstanding! I went with the tube regulated pwr supply along with the coax and USB and I can honestly say my system has never sounded better by a wide margin . I always admired my BDA 1 and will never put it down ( almost bought the new BDA 2) but decided on the Lampizator... It is superb.